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Oraze Elementary School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

About Us

Mission Statement

“The mission of Roger S. Oraze Elementary is to provide a safe, caring learning environment that will prepare all students to be CHAMPIONS in mind, body, and spirit through exemplary teaching practices.”


A watercolor illustration depicting the new school building, showcasing its architectural features and vibrant surroundings.



  • We believe all students will achieve academic proficiency through mastery of the California Common Core Standards.
  • We believe in high standards and expectations.
  • We believe in providing a quality education for ALL students.
  • We believe in a fair break for every kid.
  • We believe that whatever we do should be done “First Class.”
  • We believe in maintaining a clean, safe campus where great character matters!
  • We believe BEARCATS ARE CHAMPIONS in mind, body, and spirit… for LIFE!

At the cornerstone of Roger S. Oraze Elementary School is Clovis Unified’s long-held tradition – the Sparthenian concept: Be the Best You Can Be, in Mind, Body, and Spirit. At Oraze Elementary, all students will be given an opportunity to maximize his/her greatest potential in the areas of mind, body, and spirit. We exist to reach, involve, and equip the entire Bearcat Community to be CHAMPIONS for LIFE!


Roger S. Oraze Elementary opened its doors August 2011. The elementary school was named after Roger S. Oraze, Ed.D., for the contribution he has made to building a school district of character and excellence.
Roger S. Oraze, Ed.D., first joined Clovis Unified School District in 1966 as a math teacher and coach at Clovis High School, and quickly established himself as a valuable member of the school’s faculty.
Dr. Oraze repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to be a pioneer in the establishment of new schools and departments as the district grew between 1966 and the first decade of the twenty-first century. First, when opening the district’s second high school, Clovis West, in 1976; again, when he became the school’s second principal in 1979; in accepting the challenge to develop the assessment department in 1984 as the first Administrator for Standards and Evaluation, and finally when he was charged with the creation of the district’s facility department in 1992. In each of these roles, Dr. Oraze applied careful thought and knowledge in his service to the students and staff of Clovis Unified. He was instrumental in creating a school building program that emphasizes the needs of students.
Roger S. Oraze was integrally involved in the planning of all three educational centers, and the vast majority of the sports and performing arts venues in Clovis Unified; and standards and expectations of Clovis Unified’s community toward school building, maintenance and modernization.

School Accountability Report Card

School Accountability Report Cards
CUSD Posts Their Annual School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)


In November 1988, California voters passed Proposition 98, also known as The Classroom Instructional Improvement and Accountability Act. This ballot initiative provides California’s public schools with a stable source of funding. In return, all public schools in California are required annually to prepare SARCs and disseminate them to the public.  SARCs are intended to provide the public with important information about each public school and to communicate a school’s progress in achieving its goals.  The public may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators.


In Clovis, our SARCs begin with a profile that provides background information about the school and its students. The profile summarizes the school’s mission, goals, and accomplishments. State law requires that the SARC contain all of the following:

  1. About this School
  2. Student Performance and Accountability
  3. School Climate
  4. School Facilities
  5. Teachers
  6. Support Staff
  7. Curriculum and Instruction Materials
  8. School and District Finances
  9. School Completion and Post-secondary Preparation
  10. Instructional Planning, Professional Development and Scheduling

To obtain a copy of your child’s school’s SARC you can:
Call the school site for a hard copy.
Go online to the site’s home page and click on School Accountability Report Card.
All SARCs are posted on the CUSD Web Page.
For more information, please call your child’s school or the Assessment Department at 327.0680.